Es un retrato familiar

Es un viaje a través de la memoria, donde argumento, debato y contextualizo el despertar de un desentendimiento consciente que durante años viví. Por mucho tiempo mantuve distancia con mis abuelos maternos y ahora intento reconstruir nuestra relación contemplando una serie de elementos simbólicos y muy personales que dan sentido a la narrativa.  La discapacidad auditiva que padece mi abuelo desde hace 60 años lo ha aislado y solo hasta ahora intento comunicarme con él, redescubrir su nostálgico mundo y establecer una conexión que me haga parte de su vida de la única forma que sé: a través de imágenes.

A través del tacto y la escritura se esfuerza por preservar su mundo lo más fiel posible a su realidad y en este proceso sensorial y cognitivo se ve inmerso en una serie de códigos, dibujos, rutinas, y movimientos que le permiten conservar sus recuerdos y registrar nuevas experiencias a su memoria del silencio. Su cuerpo y su piel son el medio, son el lenguaje con el que se expresa y trato de leerlo, de entenderlo y retratarlo.

Mi abuela sobreviviente a un cáncer de mama, representa para la lucha de la mujer en un medio hostil. Ella, de fuerza inquebrantable y espíritu libre es el mejor ejemplo de coraje, toda una inspiración para mí. Estar juntos, los mantiene vivos.

En este acercamiento puedo sentir sus miedos, su soledad y sus alegrías, puedo interpretar sus emociones y reconocerme en sus ojos, porque ahora ya no somos extraños.


It is an intimate and family portrait.

It is a journey through the memory, where I show, debate and put in a context the conscious “unawareness” about their lives that I lived for some years. For a long time, I kept distance with my maternal grandparents and now I try to rebuild our relation with the use of some symbolic and personal elements that give meaning to the story.

My grandfather hearing impairment since he was 60 years old has pushed him away and only until now, I try to communicate with him, to rediscover his world full of nostalgia and to stablish a connection that will be able to make me part of his life the only way I know: through images. Through the sense of and through writing he makes an effort to preserve his world as faithful as possible to reality and in this sensitive and cognitive process he is immersed in a series of codes, drawings, routines and movements that allowed him to preserve memories and register new experiences to his memory of silence. His body and his skin are vehicle to express and I tried to read him, understand him and portray him.

My grandmother is a breast cancer survival and she represents the women’s struggle in a hostile environment. She, a woman off unbreakable strength and free spirit is the best example of courage, a great inspiration for me. Being together is what keeps them alive.

Into this intimate approach, I can feel their fears, their loneliness and their happiness, I can interpret their emotions and recognize myself in their eyes, because we are not strangers anymore.